Journal Entry #69 - End of Year Nine (9) out of Ten (10) in Massachusetts
Name: Manley M Collins
Social Security Number: 5 7 9 – * * – 6 5 4 1
Date of Birth: 06/21
Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia
Country of Birth: United States of America
Date: December 30, 2021
TOPIC: End of Year Nine (9) out of Ten (10) in Massachusetts
A Mental Health Moment regarding Schizophrenia and Mental health conditions
With the New York June 21, 2022 incident, I did not know what was happening. From May 2022 to June 2022, I still planned my trip to New York, but while in Boston, Massachusetts Department of Corrections van kept crossing my path everywhere I was going. I was trying to do the USATF volunteer background check, I was prevented from going through the process. New York situation happened and my best advice for grown men and women is to stay the f*ck away. Suffolk County sheriff van starting to do the same thing especially after speaking the MGH or BMC physicians. In reflection on all the law enforcement reports and court cases I filed, every last one has been closed, and very little to no investigation, and the Judges let the folks go and try to state the situations never happened. Massachusetts has this "do not listen, do not care," attitude. It was a little bit overwhelming seeing the violators of the Ten Commandments, the authorities look on, and everything done in a central location and freely able to do what they want.
After New York situation, I do not support or condemn the role of those who are on Earth to purposely violate the Ten Commandments. I do not support or condemn the role of those who I was raised to understand they were classified as good or right to enforce the laws of the land. I am in no position to judge people habits and choices, but I am going to be the defender of 'ME' physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally. I am the boss of 'ME'. After the Warning Talk as a grown adult male and grown adult female, you choose to still violate 'ME' and create problems for 'ME', then initially I have every right to grab anything I want on you, such as breast, dick, pussy, butt, and chest. I no longer care if you have a wife, children, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, pet, etc. As my previous posts, emails, and communications that went out directly to the offenders, do not let me grab, then I will beat, punish and pummel you for not listening to your parents/guardians, your teachers/coaches/administrators, the law, and your friends that told you, "do not touch anyone you do not know." Any bystanders want to stop the punishment, get punished too.
Pine Street Inn, St. Francis House, and Southampton had street drugs being dealt, cigarettes being dealt, medications being dealt, drunks that had to down the alcohol before coming into the shelter, collectors of junk, trash diggers, no personal hygiene, fights, physical health problems without appropriate healthcare, sexual offenders, mental health people, illegal immigrants or migrants, thieves, killers, murderers, adulterers, barter and trade anything, got a vehicle and asking for money on the street, anything you can name that was not in the rule book or in the rule book was happening. Yes, when Massachusetts community angered me, I reported to federal government, state government, local government, congress, and all the level of authorities, but I was the one that got done when I thought telling was going to get the help people needed.
Now I purposely understand how grown adults work, I will remain to myself, minding my business, let others go through their own misfortunes, and never expect anyone to think or be like me. I am an independent thinker and decision maker as the boss of 'ME'. Yes, I did not know, but now I see, read, and know about grown adults in real life experience. Just do not do me after New York situation or try to validate true life of a criminal or criminology or anything other new/old fields of the legal/law of the United States of America.
Yes, after all the stuff I bought with my money and the stuff I have now is called 'junk', useful for its purpose and simply discarded.
I was learning the Upwork app and how to get projects.
I mailed off my Social Security Insurance application to Massachusetts General Hospital to file on my behalf. I had my interviews. I had more paperwork and verification I had to complete.
Citibank sent me a letter stating the accounts were going to be inactive so I made some USPS money order deposits.
I researched the supply needed as Group Fitness instructor while going through the NASM course. I passed my NASM AFAA Group Fitness Instructor exam on the second try. I learned about virtual coaching.
Therapy and Psychiatrist with Arbour Counseling Services topics were
(Previous Journal topics - I just was repeating them to new people verbally)
Power of Habit thought process - Cue > Routine > Reward
Success in a new position - Harvard Business Review article
Bias in customer service - Harvard Business Review article
Loss of Federal Express job
Court case in Chicago - Learning Chicago's process
Saw Los Angeles Lakers leave Four Seasons hotel in Boston
Dreams are very normal and playful. It is very good since the 1990s. Happy feeling or emotion. It started happening in 2020s in South Carolina, but since I threw everything back to the universe, emotions and feelings seem to return back to the days of Atlanta, Georgia in the 1990s except there is no schizophrenia, depression, or bipolar disorder. PTSD is still high.
Had a dream after telling someone (a physical conversation) in Zumba class about family fights. Sunday night/Monday morning. I am fighting with my own family from Washington, DC yelling get out of my house.
Dreams are sequencing up to some fantasy until 3:00 am or 4:00 am when going to urinate in the bathroom, then I go back or try to sleep - the same dream turns into a nightmare - not a true, scary nightmare - just horrible anger.
I am physically losing locks and small items to make me spend money.
Learned a famous alumnus from South Carolina State University named Lewis Berry passed away five (5) years ago. One of my favorite Cross Elementary School teachers Martha Dupree passed away on Monday.
Talking about the librarians. Elise try to state something South Carolina sent me a year ago regarding stealing my identity. She doesn't know in my world that after April 3, 2016 that angry context goes back to her.
New York University either is playing with my intelligence or just money hungry.
While doing another trim down of connection in FaceBook, another death is Orlando Brown, football player from South Carolina State and Baltimore Ravens.
When I was a process server serving documents to MassPort (Massachusetts Bay Port Authority) and the individuals at Federal Express Logan Airport job location, I took photos and submitted it to court using ProofServe templates.
Other Topics from Fall and Winter of 2021:
I had to consult with a Boston Bar Association attorney for counseling on how to proceed with my Massachusetts civil suits, and proceeding properly with Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination with Federal Express and Boston Public Health Commission.
I also fought with Federal Express Human Resources regarding wrongful termination so it was a total of three (3) fights with one organization, but I let fighting to come back to Federal Express go.
Grubhub kept coming to mind to bring back as an employer. It was tough to update all my information and bring the online.
I joined Chowbus and they kept sending me on very long trip from Chinatown.
I researched Harvard University Extension School French courses.
I maxed out my Apple storage as I kept playing with the Free and going to a paid service to backup my Apple iPhone. I did ask if Apple had anyway to restore other Apple devices from other machines. Apple stated no and if it is not saved in the cloud, there is no way to recover it.
I donated to Boston Public Library based on utilizing their resources, and donated to St. Francis House and Massachusetts General Hospital.
I am grateful for all the attorneys and judges, who did attempt to educate me the other way through the responses and consulting. As I have come to terms, I did not go to school or obtain the debt to enter that field of work. The efiling judicial systems was very helpful and efficient, even though I showed up to United States District Court of Eastern Massachusetts almost every one (1) or two (2) weeks filing something.
I opened my electronic accounts with Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
I saw The Matrix Resurrections at AMC Theatres.
I got my COVID-19 third vaccination from McInnis Health Clinic (Boston HealthCare for the Homeless Program).
The emails discontinued from Pastor Tom Johnson, St. Luke Lutheran Church, but I just checked an old email. He is still posting the sermons and messages. I am in tune with Pastor Joel and Victoria Osteen Ministries after disconnecting and removing membership from First Baptist Church of the City of Washington.
I purchased a protein bar from the Vengo new type of gym canteen.
United States Postal Service and Federal Express was getting plenty of delivery, package, and mail traffic.
I registered for Microsoft Ignite to learn what was happening with Microsoft technologies.
I retrieved District of Columbia Certificate of Good Standing for my small business, when Catalant needed it for my profile.
Bank of America Advisory Panel still trying to inquire where all the money is stored to make its product and services better, or take advantage of BOA services.
I had to synchronize Boston Housing Authority Leased Department and Public Housing, when they were requesting the same documents.
Gilbert Indoor Range reminders let me know I need to obtain my Massachusetts plus Multi State Concealed Carry or Open Carry Gun license.
After all this, Happy Diwali, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year.
Labels: adult, adulthood, afaa, boston, church, conceal carry, group fitness, grown adults, grown men, gun, judge, license, manley marvell collins, Massachusetts, nasm, New York, open carry, pastor, ten commandments, violence
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