Thursday, June 21, 2018

Journal Entry #25 - Birthday Month


Name: Manley M Collins
Social Security Number: 5 7 9 - * * - 6 5 4 1
Date of Birth: 06/21
Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia
Country of Birth: United States of America
Date: June 21, 2018

TOPIC: Birthday Month
DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Health
DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Labor
DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Commerce
DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Education
DEPARTMENT: United States Department of the Treasury
DEPARTMENT: Government of the District of Columbia
DEPARTMENT: State of South Carolina Government

It has been an eventful past few months.  I guess folks are reading my posts and configuring my internet to show other sides of life I may not see.

I have been filling out paperwork starting with Year 2011 on trying to get Corporate America to give me some of the items taken or lost. Thanks with the help of Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, every state Consumer Protection Agency, and every state Attorney General.

My deepest gratitude go to Washington, DC for helping facilitating the transition to start that long journey onward to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW.  It was so much fun campaigning for mayor and it was a challenge I did not expect.  I met some great people including the entire city council.  I am very disappointed that no one told me about ballot access.  Even though, I was totally shut out of most or all forums, then I was able to change and go for open mic to reach a different audience not seen by forums or campaigns.  The Meet the Candidate Tour was successful in scheduling, but very poor turnout as I have learned when there is no support, there is no turnout.  The parades were exciting to do.  The open mic nights explored different talents that I did not know I had, but it helped me become comfortable in front of the mic and on a stage again.  The Office of Campaign Finance scheduled a couple hearings and showed the combination of business and legal type of communication.  Those fines imposed on my campaign committee, I say, "Good luck on collecting because DC Government has yet to give me a job."  Thanks to all the 2,787 voters, who helped me garner 3.81% of the votes and support in DC Democratic Primary 2018 election.

Internal Revenue Service, DC Government, and other parties dependent on my tax return, I do not apologize for always missing the April 15th deadline.  As I told the entire world and those dependent on my tax return, my filing date will always and continue to be October or November of every year unless I am going to get a government clearance or fix my previous DOD Secret clearance.  Running for political office does not change the fact with the exception of being actually on the ballot.  Even though, I am tied up in United States Tax Court about a previous tax return, please do not think I am going to file according to the standard deadline.  I am almost finish catching South Carolina up to the latest.  Stop coming through the psychics on astrology and horoscope readings....I know it is to the general public of Geminis and Cancers, but it seems like you trying make sure I see and read it.

My deepest gratitude goes to the best birthday present in all my years of living goes to American Express.  My company, Collins Incorporated, applied for American Express OPEN Gold card.  The card was decent, required total amount due the following month and membership fee of $175.  After a year and in my birthday month, American Express upgraded me to the highest small-to-medium business charge card, "The American Express Platinum Card".  The Platinum card allows me to charge $50,000 to $1 Million Dollars in one transaction.  The membership fee is $450.00.  How could American Express trust a black, close-to-broke, man with such financial power?  Darn, American Express for making me financially responsible!  Next, the American Express Corporate card.  I need to add employees and play with some more credit card features.  Thanks American Express for also providing the funds to pay for law school, which is $275,000 (JD and LLM).  Thanks also goes to Paul Davenport in the State of Connecticut for showing me how to do credit card, "small or tiny transactions make a big difference."  All other credit and charge cards, I am working to increase their limits to $5,000 a piece, right now, they are between $1,600 to $3,500.  As a business major, these are so much fun to learn and play with, every bank is different on how they implement credit cards.

I had to file forbearance request through the AmeriCorps program to ward off the student loan payments.  I also filled out an Unemployment Deferment and General Forbearance Request.   This should keep EdFinancial/IDAPP a little busy.  I did retake the LSAT for law school for my prayfully 130 score.  My dissertation is currently trapped between Quality Review Methods (QRM) and Institutional Review Board (IRB).  I did all the appropriate revisions requested and my dissertation chair signed off so patiently waiting.  My next University of Phoenix class is not until July 31, 2018.

As I prepare for the gubernatorial race to become South Carolina's first African American governor since I made that promise since May 15, 1998, I am sending and updating all data with South Carolina Department of Transportation, South Carolina Department of Social Services, South Carolina Ethics and Commission Board, and South Carolina Department of Tax and Revenue.  South Carolina Department of Tax and Revenue, I hope you processed my 2012 tax return because I do not see it online.  To make me feel slightly comfortable, I need to see the late processing fee.  My deepest and sincere apologies to South Carolina and its residents for taking this long to get it together, I just had to see what was going on with the United States, my life and the world, but now I am ready.

South Carolina, I have formal request from any resident to remind me 120 days before July 15th gubernatorial primary so I can obtain the 10,000 signatures to do nominating by petition.  I am highly dependent on Berkeley County, Charleston County, Orangeburg County, and Dorchester County to meet my 10,000 signature requirement.  I am talking to the Republican and the Democratic parties for the nomination by party for the best strategy to win.  As of 2018, I already have the $4875 filing fee.

Corporate America, I have formal request for the South Carolina gubernatorial race. All brands I have been loyal to since 1994, 1999, and 2000, I need all the corporate rules to play out regarding political candidates for me to understand what you can and cannot do, and also I need all available properties to host fundraisers and other community events through the entire state and preferably each county.
Another California company/employer coming into the mix, Instacart. I can not believe I can possibly be paid for grocery shopping for other folks.  I am thrilled and excited.  I am excited on how crazy and mixed up my employers are.  I am looking forward to the Americorps Habitat for Humanity project for 10 months.  Could AmeriCorps lead to reestablishing shelter independence onward to another brand new home?  This will be my 3rd brand new home experience and hopefully I keep this one.

Thanks goes to SunTrust and Bank of America for pre-approving me for $375,000 mortgage for a home in Washington, DC.  Thanks goes to Fidelity Capital Mortgage for pre-approving me for a $350,000 mortgage for a home in South Carolina.  Citibank and Chase, I am saving you for New York and New England homes.  New York, California, and Conde Nast keep sending me Architectural Digest YouTube videos of homes.  In New York, I watched one Architectural Digest video and you can do stuff with, renovate, or combine apartments in ways I did not know.

Bills, I do recognize all of you that are out there including the ones not on credit report and from all active addresses he has.  I received all of your information and just waiting for the universe and stars align for my new primary line of work to bring in the income to pay them.  Information technology is no longer the single focus of the next line of work.  Business is still the core line of work.  Since I continuing to detach from a particular state (start with I and ends with S), I let my PERC license expire on purpose.  State of New York, you issued a tax warrant on April 15, 2018 or around that date for $3900 in state taxes.  Since I do not know what the modern day tax warrant does except I got the information that you can double tax any New York income when I work in your state again, and have a hold on my federal tax refund.  Because of that I will be staying in Washington, DC for my birthday and letting go or letting expire my State of Connecticut driver's license and temporarily disconnect with my Connecticut primary physician.  I wonder if start playing the US Department of Education lottery again, could I win something with all this chaos?  I have AmeriCorps resume aligning with a retail resume so it will be interesting what the new position maybe.  I will not apply for state government positions, county government positions, or city government positions again until I am in South Carolina.  Federal government, I am continuously applying to you and I must have been truly out of touch for trying score high on the application, I will research and check bookstores for the latest ways to score higher on applications.

Prepping for my very first marriage, I am going back on the dating scene for more practice. In the 1990s, I did the in person pick up, talk to females, and expressed how I felt immediately.  In the 2000s, I did Yahoo Dating and Blackplanet in Atlanta, Georgia and found plenty of female freaks. In 2004-2005, I did 'It's Just Lunch' program in Washington, DC, and they did present some very good female dating candidates. I tried eHarmony and the site at that time only presented one or two female match ups.  I tried the nightclubs and bars to pick up women, and not good results or my pick up game was whack.  In 2013-2015, I did NY Minute Dating, Match dating programs, OnSpeedDating, and plenty of meetups in New York City and Hartford, Connecticut, and they did present some good female dating candidates according to the theme.  In 2018, I am wondering what female dating scene I am going try, such as S.W.A.N.I.T.C and swingers parties, Professional in the City, and Match events in Washington, DC, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and New York City.  I answered all 100+ eHarmony questions and eliteSingles and Zoosk, and those sites are presenting plenty of females.  Freaking, flirting and messing around never gets boring.  Please note in any of my serious relationships, I never cheated once and my partner is utilized as the sole vessel from Sex and Love 101 to Sex and Love 1,000,001 ways to do it.

Change Element and DNA Activation: I am learning the French language informally and formally, which is associated with my Ancestry DNA connection to Cameroon and Republic of Congo in Africa.  To keep it active, I have joined Washington, DC French Meetup and former member of New York French Meetup Groups.

Rule #1 in Business 101 or Finance 101: Never pay debt with debt!

ROTFLMBAO (rolling on the floor laughing my back off) at the United States Armed Forces for sending yourselves through my YouTube feeds. It is hilarious. I am glad you guys and gals do have fun sometimes.

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